The eyelash extensions we use are natural-looking synthetic mink eyelashes with maximum flexibility, lightness and softness. Created in order to imitate your natural lashes, so they are NOT felt on your lashes and do not cause absolutely any harm. If the appropriate products are used, they can help to improve their growth. The extensions are applied individually to each individual natural lashes thanks to a totally natural surgical glue. You can wet and make up your lashes after 2-3 hours of application (unlike other brands that require a drying time of 24 to 48 hours).
The treatment will consist of a totally relaxing procedure in which you will not feel any pain or discomfort, so much so that many of the customers let go into a regenerating sleep.
After the first application, with short and periodic refill sessions every 2-3 weeks the extensions are without time limits.
Price 70 euro
Hurry up and book at +39 338.3070336.